How Do I Manage My Child’s Eczema Better In Summer?– Itchy Baby Co.

How Do I Manage My Child’s Eczema Better In Summer?

How Do I Manage My Child’s Eczema Better In Summer?

How Do I Manage My Child’s Eczema Better in Summer?

Our children’s skin, especially when prone to eczema, is easily affected by changes in weather. We often think winter is the most challenging time of the year for the skin because of the dry air, cold temperatures and low humidity that can make it more susceptible to irritations and flare-ups. However, the warmth of summer can also impact our little ones’ skin, triggering itching and eczema flare-ups.

Moisturising your child’s skin regularly and using a natural sunscreen (like our Natural Sunscreen SPF50) will help keep their skin hydrated and offer protection from the sun’s harmful rays, which can both help prevent eczema flare-ups. Let’s look at how the warmer summer weather can affect eczema and some more changes we can make to better manage our little one’s eczema in summer.

How does summer affect our children’s eczema?

Unfortunately for those with eczema, hot skin often equals itchy skin! That’s why regulating your little one’s body temperature is so important all year round.

During the warmer summer months, your child may sweat more to try and regulate their body temperature, causing water loss from their body and drying out their skin. As it becomes dry and itchy, scratching further breaks down the skin barrier, making it more susceptible to irritants and bacterial infections.

Sweat also contains salts and trace amounts of minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron, which may irritate the skin. Heat also stimulates the itch reflex, making your child itchier than usual, so it is important to keep your child in a cool environment where possible and keep on top of their hydration.

In addition to the rising temperatures, summer can also bring a rise in environmental allergens like pollen, which can aggravate eczema-prone skin.

How we can help our children’s eczema skin in summer

Stay hydrated

It’s important to ensure your little one is drinking enough water, breastmilk or formula (depending on their age) to stay hydrated throughout the day. This will help them be able to regulate their body temperature, and help to keep their skin hydrated. For those who are old enough, homemade ice blocks are a great way to cool down and encourage fluid intake! Feeding them high-water content foods like cucumbers, apples, celery, carrots, and pears can also help keep their body hydrated.

Keep up with healthy eating

Summertime in Australia means the holiday season is upon us – which can often see us eating out more or allowing a few extra treats to sneak in for the little ones! But as fun and busy as this season is, it’s still important to feed your child a diet rich in anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties to help minimise eczema flare-ups. If tolerated, foods like fatty fish, broccoli, apples, cherries, spinach, and kale can all be an excellent addition to their diet.

Moisturise daily

No matter the season, moisturising is vital for eczema-prone skin! Be sure to keep your child’s regular moisturiser with you at all times (especially on holidays) and apply at least twice a day. The best time to moisturise is within two minutes of taking your little one out of the bath while the skin is still damp, as it will help lock in the moisture.

Use an eczema-friendly mineral sunscreen

Conventional chemical sunscreens can irritate those with eczema, so choosing a physical mineral sunscreen with zinc oxide is best. The Itchy Baby Co. Natural Sunscreen SPF50 is formulated especially for little ones with sensitive skin conditions like eczema, and is non-greasy and easy to apply.  

Swim smart

Swimming can be a great way to cool down in the heat, but chlorine from swimming pools can aggravate your little one’s eczema-prone skin. You can help minimise the irritation by creating a barrier by applying moisturiser half an hour before getting in the pool. Try to give your little one a lukewarm shower immediately after swimming in a pool to rinse off the chlorine, then apply moisturiser within two minutes of hopping out of the shower.

Regular bathing

Regular bathing in lukewarm water with an oatmeal bath soak for about 10 minutes can help manage eczema by washing away any irritants on the skin’s surface. Ensure that the water is lukewarm and not hot – hot baths can trigger itching and dry out the skin.

Stick to their daily skincare routine

During summer holidays, it’s easy to fall out of our daily rhythms – but one of the most essential parts of managing your little one’s eczema is to stay consistent with their skincare routine. Staying on top of their gentle bathing and moisturising routine will help to manage triggers and keep dry skin well nourished and moisturised. Be sure to keep all their skincare essentials on hand to keep up with your daily routine, whether at home or away on holidays.


We hope these tips help you and your eczema-prone little one have a more comfortable and carefree summer!

This blog post was brought to you and your family with love from Julia and the Itchy Baby Co. team x.

Disclaimer: Information provided is of a general nature only, and you should always consult your medical professional.

Itchy Baby Co. Skincare

For happy and healthy skin

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